Manual business processes waste time and money!
The Accounting Department is responsible for generating extremely detailed multi-page invoices for annual maintenance contracts. Due to the complexity of their customer billing arrangements, the invoice preparation process requires an exhaustive amount of hours of personalized attention to manually research the numerous subcontracts and payment history before compiling customer invoices. This manual and time consuming process is prone to human error and lost or unbilled invoice revenue as subcontracts are incorrectly assigned, added or deleted over the course of an annual maintenance period. The average timeframe to produce a single months invoicing takes 3 staff members is 6 weeks with year end delays resulting is customer’s maintenance being prematurely terminated.
How We Made Our Client Successful
Automate Bill Prep
Task Automations
The Sales Operations Department has indefinitely loaned 2 full-time staffers to assist the Accounting Manager with compiling customer order, service, and maintenance contract renewal data for invoicing. The data stems from the company’s CRM, accounting, and licensing software.
Manual Business Process: Customer data consisting of new orders, current and expiring (sub)contracts, and billable service time is added/updated in the company CRM. The data is compiled in spreadsheets for manual manipulation and adjustment before being duplicated in the form of an invoice in the company accounting software. This manual review and entry process is easily prone to error from employee fatigue. The invoice process averages 6 weeks to complete.
Issues Presented: The delay in billing is disruptive to Sales Operations and Customer Support. Customer accounts are prematurely deactivated forcing service interruptions and high numbers of angry customer support
Customer payments representing multiple (sub)Contracts are often in the form of a single payment. Aligning payments to their respective maintenance contracts is tedious and requires employees to update both the company accounting
and CRM software to mark invoices paid, enable /disable master and sub maintenance contracts, and issue renewal agreements.
Income revenue is inconsistent and forecasting requires manual manipulation of spreadsheet reports to offset the billing period
Multiple software packages and spreadsheets used to manage customer support, accounting, and licensing information are wholly disconnected.